### 2021 OPEN HOUSE
An added plus to our open house last night was catching up on two or our graduates. These three Mendieta-Rubios have or are now leaving….a legacy in our JROTC Program. Eric and Angel dropped by to pick up their little brother, Jose as last night was concluding. Eric was our Group Commander four years ago and was followed in that role by his brother Angel three years ago. Jose is a sophomore this year and is every bit as engaged as his brothers were. I could not resist getting this shot of that very special clan of sibling-leaders. FYI, Eric and Angel are certified automobile mechanics from reputable trade schools and are doing very well in their chosen occupations, happily employed. We should not be prouder!!!
Russell Malesky, Col, USAF (Retired)
Senior Aerospace Science Instructor
Western Hills High School AFJROTC, Unit TX-863