Events Supporting Veterans
November is always busy for your Western Hills High School JROTC Program- Cadets/students and instructors alike!
Photo #1: Wednesday (11/9) - Posting Flags at the graves of departed Veterans at Benbrook Cemetery
Photo #2: Friday (11/11) – 130 Cadets March in Tarrant County Veterans Day Parade
Photo #3 & #4: After the parade, two color guards (8 Cadets) present colors at Waverly Park Elementary and Western Hills Primary for Veterans recognition ceremonies
Photo #5: Saturday (11/12) - Two Cadets (Gerardo Garza & Christian Romero) present Colors at Rep Kay Granger’s All Service Academy Breakfast with a Joint Color Guard from other FWISD JROTC Programs
Photo #6: Sunday (11/13) – Two Cadets (William Fitzhugh & Venyelys Ayala) carry the colors at the Massing of the Colors at First Presbyterian Church for the Military Order of the World Wars
On Monday, November 14th at Golden Corral, over 25 Cadets served Veterans at their annual Veterans Dinner for the Community.