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301st Fighter Wing and Navy Ops Field Trip


Our 39 Cadets are back from our October 26th jam-packed visit full of insight about how an F-16 Wing operates to include combating the terror of Improvised Explosive Devices as well as how the Control Tower and Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) handles traffic in and around the Fort Worth Naval Air Station.   They should be back in their 8th period classes by now.

I’ve attached some “action” shots from the trip today.  I cannot thank the public affairs offices of the 301st Fighter Wing and Navy Ops at NAS Fort Worth for coordinating quite a memorable experience for our students- They provided an awesome learning experience today and we owe them much thanks!

Enjoy the photos--most of which just scratch the surface of a couple of many of the things learned today. To see more visit the Western Hills High School Facebook page or the 301st Fighter Wing Facebook page.