Western Hills High School
Matt Posey
Email: matthew.posey@fwisd.org
Phone: 817-815-6079
Master of Education
Instructional Design & Technology
West Texas A&M University, 2021
Bachelor of Science
Business Computer Information Systems
University of North Texas, 2013
Texas Educator Certificate
Technology Applications EC-12
Business Education 6-12
CTE Department Head & Campus Liaison
Audio Video Production | Animation
Right after college, I worked as a data analyst where I crunched data results into spreadsheets and queried database information for a marketing agency and worked with several companies across the country. I then realized cubicle life was not for me and discovered my passion for teaching!
My first year of teaching started right here at Western Hills in 2014.
Other involvement and achievements:
- Teacher of the Year 2021
- Senior Sponsor (2014 - 2024)
- Yearbook Adviser (2017-2023)
- Link Crew Co-Sponsor (2019-2021)
- TAFE Judge & Chaperone for State and Nationals in Washington, D.C.
- SkillsUSA Regional Judge
- UIL Academics Judge
- Student certifications in Adobe Photoshop, Animate & After Effects