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Our Schools

Colors & Mascot


We started practicing as a football team on the fields at WHHS before the school was finished.

WHHS students were going to school in shacks on AHHS campus. At the end of the school day, the football team hauled butt to Western Hills to work out on our own field. That was the spring of 1968. Just before summer, Coach Dale Walker called us together and said "hey we need to know what colors we’re going to be. I’ve got to order uniforms for our first season (fall of '68)." Coach Walker was a big Packers fan so he talked us into green and gold so we would look like the Packers when we took the field. 

~December 2017 Facebook Post via Sandra Haralson Hart on the WHHS Alumni Page




WHHS IconColor Guide2


Forest Green PMS 357

Hex Color Code

Athletic Gold PMS 123

Hex Color Code